Thursday 23 June 2011


Our society has started Nursery Teachers Training (N.T.T.) course on all India basis in consultation with learned experts in education with a view to train the unemployed education girls, particularly those from economically weaker section, SC’s, Sts and backward classes. The ultimate purpose is to facilitate education pre-school children on modern lines through creation of a pool of NTT qualification teachers. The N.T.T. course lays emphasis on development or moral, intellectual, physical and social personality of children. The institute is affiliated to RGCSM Society. New Delhi. It follows the guidelines on the pattern of N.C.E.R.T.,& N.C.T.E. Courses. The course is conducted on an all India basis through a network of Study Centers in different cities. RGCSM Society imparts training to aspiring teachers, who are devoted to the causes of education. The various convents, nursery and public schools have good demand for our NTT trained teachers. The Quality management system is compliance with ISO 9001 :2000. Scope of certification include Design, Development and conduct of NTT/ vocational courses. For an organization to be ISO 9000 certificate it must meet the standards of its industry and submit to an exam by an independent auditor. RGCSM Society is committed to ensure that the products and services delivered by it are in conformance to customer requirements that ensure highest level of quality.

The N.T.T. course is divided in two parts:

A         Theory Papers                                      Marks
1.         A) Child Psychology                                  100
            B) Child care & Health
2.         Sociology & Guidance                              100
3.         School Organization                                  100
4.         Principles of Education                              100
5.         Educational  Psychology                            100
6.         Modern Methods of Teaching                   100
7.         Method of Teaching Topic                        100
Total Marks                                                       700

B          Practical Papers                                                    Marks
1.         Lesson Planning & Teaching                                    100
2.         Arts & Craft                                                           100
3.         Arts File & Plan Book                                              50
4.         Preparation of Teaching Aids                                    50
5.         Rhymes, Action Songs, Speech, Story                    100
6.         Viva                                                                         50
7.         Internal Marks                                                          50

Total Marks                                                                       500


The Institute of Information Technology education, “Rajeev Gandhi Institute of Technology & Management” was established in 2010 as the first IT education institute in Tanda-Ambedkar Nagar (UP). The institution owes its foundation to the bold and inspired vision of Late. Sree Ram Nayan Tiwari’s dream of starting an educational institution at Tanda, Ambedkar Nagar (UP). His dream is the driving force behind this institute in every sense. He is no more with us, but his blessings are the moving spirits behind each and every activity – programme initiated and organized by us.
Rajeev Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management (RGITM) is affialated with ‘RAJEEV GANDHI COMPUTER SAKSHARTA MISSION’ and run by The ‘Vaishnav Social Welfare Society’. RGITM is the result of steps taken by the society to build such an Institute in the developing locality of ‘TANDA’ that can bring changes in traditional environment of studies in this locality as well as make the career oriented generation of Tanda & Ambedkar Nagar aware with the market trends, accelerating technology, requirements and facilitating them with the courses of Developmental and Monumental Era. The emphasis is on value-based education and continuously striving for excellence in education, training and consultancy in the field of Management, Technology and Education.